News Blast & Bulletin 03/09/2025
The First Sunday in Lent
Your bulletin:
Here are the highlights for the upcoming week and beyond:
- Lenten Lunches are offered on Fridays, after Stations of the Cross at noon, beginning March 7th in the Commons. Please sign up to bring soup or sandwiches for this event.
- Lenten Fish Frys begin on March 7th. Drive thru starts at 4:30 and dine in begins at 5 pm
- The 20% off Book Sale at SPP Religious Store is underway and ends on March 30. Come buy a book! The store is open before and after Mass on Saturdays and after Mass on Sundays.
- The 40th Anniversary planning committee will begin selling raffle tickets beginning at the Fish Frys to support the 40th Anniversary activities. Tickets are $50 with a Grand Prize of $1,500. Feel free to come to the office and purchase your ticket as well.
- If you are planning to start giving through GiveCentral and need help, please contact the office and she can help get you started. The office can also help you cancel Faith Direct if needed. The website is
- Senior Coffee Social has its regular meeting this month at 10am on March 26, at 10 am in the Commons. In addition to our regular coffee social, we will hear from Bob Maher and Jamie Hicks on March 12th. They will share their experiences of their work in Uganda. All are welcome to attend.
- The next Youth Group event will take place at St. Joseph’s on March 14th from 6 – 7:30pm. Join us for soup supper and Stations of the Cross. Please let Celeste know if you are able to bring soup to this event.
- March 16 – there will be a combined Youth Mass at St. Joseph. Youth from Sts. Peter and Paul are encouraged to join in the celebration of Mass at 9am at St. Joseph’s, followed by a pancake breakfast. There will not be CCD on that day.
- March 29 – Our Confirmation Retreat will be from 9 – 12 at St. Joseph’s. All students preparing for this sacrament this year must attend.
- We are in need of prefilled Easter Eggs this year from March 9 – 30. There will be a box to place them in next month.
- Our February Potluck was a tremendous success. We will continue having Potluck lunches after each Youth Mass for our community. Our next potluck will be March 30th. Please sign up to bring a side dish. A sign-up sheet will be on the board next to the kitchen door. All are welcome.
- 40 Days for Life – Join us for an hour of peaceful and prayerful presence each Wednesday, starting on March 5th through April 9th 2025. Saints Peter and Paul Knights of Columbus Council #11475 invites any and all parishioners to join us on Wednesday from 10 to 11 am. We maintain a vigil and pray in front of Planned Parenthood (2964) Hydraulic Road) in Charlottesville during that same hour, each Wednesday. (Mark your calendar for March 5, 12, 19, 26 and April 2 and 9. For carpool information or directions call Larry Boice, 434-510-7677. There is ample parking across the street from the site, those who choose to meet us here. If you cannot physically join us, please pray to end abortion, wherever you happen to be!
- Lenten Spare Change Cans are available to collect loose change. Proceeds will go to help those in need this year. Pick one up, fill it up! Turn cans in April 5 – 13.
- Save the Date! the Talent Show for Uganda to benefit Chiu. All proceeds will be used to support Uganda and the next medical mission in January, 2026 at St. Francis of Assisi in Kitakyusa. The Talent Show will take place on Sunday, June 22nd at 2 pm at our Parish Hall. For more information contact Bob Maher at [email protected] or call 589-1170.
- What do Good Shepherds, Ushers and the Altar Servers ministries all have in common? They all need help. If you want to learn more and think you can help, please call the office (434.589.5201) for more info.
- If you have misplaced any items in the church, come see Colleen in the office; it is where many lost things go.
- If you have recently changed your email address or phone number or signed up for Give Central and no longer need envelopes, please send a note to the office so we can update the system and make sure you don’t miss out on any information we have to share with you.
St. Joseph’s News:
- We will have a Soup Supper at 6 PM followed by Stations at 6:30 on Fridays during Lent.
- The Youth Group will participate in the soup supper and Stations of the Cross on March 14th. Let Celeste know if you can bring soup.
- March 16 – Sts. Peter/Paul youth will join St. Joseph’s for a combined Youth Mass, followed by a pancake breakfast.
- March 29 – St. Joseph’s will host this year’s Confirmation Retreat from 9am – 12pm. All students preparing for this sacrament this year must attend.
- We are in need of prefilled Easter eggs this year. A box at the back of the church will be available from March 9th – 30th.
- The SPP Religious Store 20% off Book Sale is underway and will end on March 30. Come buy a book!

Colleen Smith

Welcome To Our Church
Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, made up of Fluvanna County and neighboring communities, aware of our rich Roman Catholic tradition and our own particular parish needs, we dedicate ourselves to praising God through liturgy and prayer. In the spirit of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, the great Apostles and missionaries, we commit ourselves through Education and Social Service ministries, to building a Christian Community in which the Gospel of Jesus Christ might be exemplified and fulfilled.
Whether you are a visitor or new to our parish, interested in becoming Catholic, seeking to return to the practice of your faith, or an active member of our parish, we are pleased that you have come to our website and we will do all that we can to assist you.
Catholic Social Media
Bonus – Sunday, November 15, 2020
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Friday, November 13, 2020
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Monday, November 9, 2020
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:00pm – SPP
Sunday: 9:00am – St. Joseph’s; 11:00am – SPP
Live Stream Archive: Mass Archive
More Info
A Message From Father David

Let me take this golden opportunity to welcome you to Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church website. Our Parish which is located on route 53, in Palmyra, Fluvanna County; serves the communities of Lake Monticello, Scottsville, Palmyra, and Columbia. Sts. Peter and Paul is a growing parish whose members strive to be faithful to the mission of Christ through its liturgical, educational and social service ministries. The parish has programs in education and pastoral ministry for children, youth and now adults, as well as a vibrant social ministry outreach program. There is a lot of information on this website that will assist you to know what is going on in this parish. I want to encourage visitors to consider joining us because every new parishioner adds richness to our faith community which allows us to more fully reflect the Body of Christ in today’s society.
Daily Readings
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reading 1 Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a high and…
Saturday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1 Hebrews 13:15-17, 20-21 Brothers and sisters: Through Jesus, let us continually offer God a sacrifice of praise, that…
Friday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1 Hebrews 13:1-8 Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels….
Memorial of Saint Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs
Readings for the Memorial of Saint Paul Miki, Priest and Martyr, and his Companions, Martyrs Reading 1 Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24…
Weekly Bulletins
Church Calendar
March 2025 |
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |