
Church Cleaners

Presently, we have several groups of people who faithfully clean our beautiful church.  There are four in each group so that each group only cleans the church every seventh week for about one hour on Saturday at 9:00 a.m.  We also have a list of substitutes so that if someone is unavailable, there is always a replacement.  The work is easy – we clean and dust the pews and around the window sills and statues and the altar area, and then we swiffer the floors (aren’t swiffers great!), and then vacuum the carpets.  We also dust and vacuum the sacristy.  Our only cleaning is done within the confines of the church and, no, we don’t do windows.

We welcome any men who would like to help us, and there are several who come when their wives are here.  It is so rewarding because we can all see the results.  Yes, we truly are Volunteer Church Cleaners.


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