
Fund Raising Committee

The fund raising committee is a loosely-knit group headed by two co-chairs.  We have several activities that we are involved in:  The largest is the Yard Sale, held on the first weekend in May every year.  It is a week-long activity and requires about 100 workers to run smoothly.  We start the Sunday before the sale to set up the commons and the classrooms and we work all week receiving, sorting, testing, cleaning and categorizing items that have come in.  The sale is the following Friday and Saturday, and we have raised large amounts of money for the church.

The Holiday Bazaar is the second week in November.  The crafters meet on Wednesdays in the commons from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM in January, February and March, and again in September, October and November.  We are a group of fun ladies who are talented and not so talented.  Those who are talented do the difficult things and the rest of us do the easy things that anyone could do.  We are a small group and can always use more help.  The Holiday Bazaar is one day (Saturday).  We sell our items and also have about 20 vendors who join us.  This has also been a very successful event for the church.

The rest of the year, we hold a few other activities such as “Sing Along With Sid” night, “Bunco” night and “Pot Luck Suppers” to enjoy an evening of fun together.

We do not have regularly scheduled meetings, but we do have two meetings before the Yard Sale and the Holiday Bazaar.  The notice for the meetings will be in the parish bulletin.  When we have a smaller event, we will announce it in the bulletin and place a sign in the commons for that evening or to donate some-thing, if needed.

In order to have successful events, we need plenty of volunteers and we hope you are willing to join us and have fun while volunteering.  It is a wonderful way to meet and make lots of new friends.

Money Counters

A small group of parishioners who meet after the 5:00 PM Saturday Mass or the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass to count the collections.  Normally, three counters can perform the required function within 25-30 minutes.  Counters are scheduled once or twice a month.  With a few more volunteers, it could be reduced to once a month.  The only requirement is strict confidentiality.  This is a small but important function within the parish.

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