33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Your bulletin: https://saintspeterpaulpalmyra.org/november-17th-2024/
Here are the highlights for the upcoming week and beyond:
- You will start seeing and hearing information about Giving Tuesday on December 3rd. Please don’t miss this very important event. See page 3 of this weekend’s bulletin for more information.
- Please note: During the month of November, the Poor Box has been converted to a donation box for Happy Face. Please make checks payable to Sts. Peter and Paul and note Happy Face on the memo line.
- Our flower guild is now 5 strong but we need to expand to a minimum of 6 members; this allows for members to take time away and no one will have to serve more than once a month. This team will rotate on a weekly basis and concentrate their efforts on arranging flowers each week in the church. The time commitment is about an hour a week for one person, in most cases. Please see page 6 in the bulletin or contact the office at 434.589.5201.
- Our Parish Mission is coming up on November 21st – 23rd. We will have 2 guest speakers from St. Edward the Confessor in Richmond that will offer talks at 10am on Thursday and Friday and will repeat again at 7pm. Each day starts with Mass at 9am. Saturday Mass will be at 10am, then brunch, leading to the final talk at 11am. Please see the posters at the front of the church or the kitchen door in the Commons for details on the talks. Our theme is Eucharistic Revival: Year of MISSION. Bring your Bible.
- 17 days until Giving Tuesday on December 3rd but Advanced Giving starts on November 18th! https://richmond.igivecatholic.org/organizations/saints-peter-paul-catholic-church
- What do Good Shepherds, Ushers and the Bake Sale ministries all have in common? They all need help. If you want to learn more and think you can help, please call the office (434.589.5201) for more info.
- Sts. Peter and Paul Religious Store turns ONE! For November, make any purchase and receive a FREE Rosary. The store is open before/after Mass on Saturdays and after Mass on Sundays; however, the store will be closed on Nov. 16 and 17. For a limited time beginning Nov. 23rd, the store will be offering custom Christmas t-shirts; you pick from pre-selected designs and colors to create the shirt of your liking. The store will hold an OPEN HOUSE on Friday, November 29th from 12-3 and receive a 25% discount. You can contact the store via email at [email protected].
- If you have misplaced any items in the church, come see Karen in the office; it’s where many lost things go.
- If you have recently changed your email address or phone number or signed up for Faith Direct and no longer need envelopes, please send a note to the office so we can update the system and make sure you don’t miss out on any information we have to share with you.
St. Joseph’s News:
- To the members of the Hispanic community, Fr. David invites you to a general meeting on November 20th at 6pm in the parish hall.
- You’re invited to the Parish Mission at Sts. Peter and Paul on November 21st – 23rd. Thursday and Friday will begin with Mass at 9am, followed by a talk at 10am and repeats at 7pm; Friday will have extended Adoration until 6; Saturday will begin with Mass at 10am, followed by brunch and the final talk at 11am. Bring your Bible.
- Parish surveys are due back by December 1st to the box in the parish hall.
- A Novena Rosary, leading up to the Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe, will start on Sunday, December 1st after Mass; Monday through Saturday it will be at 7pm, and again after Mass on the 8th.
- There will be a Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe at 6pm on December 12th at St. Joseph’s, preceded by the Rosary at 5:30pm and followed by food & fellowship in the hall.

Blessings always!
Karen Davidson