18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Your bulletin: https://saintspeterpaulpalmyra.org/august-1st-2021/
Funeral announcements:
- Adam Seelye – Saturday, August 7th @ 11am
- Jeff Henrietta – Saturday, August 14th @11am
There is a special Prayer for Peace Mass scheduled on Friday, August 13th at 9am at Sts. Peter and Paul. (p. 5)
T-shirts are still available from the ministry fair for $10. Limited sizes are available (XL-4XL). These white ts have the new 40 years logo left of center and are made out of 100% cotton. Stop by the office if you are interested in owning one.
- The office of Cemeteries and Funeral Services (OCFS) will be here the weekend of July 31st and August 1st to inform and discuss the spiritual and practical reasons for Catholic funeral planning & the Order of Christian Funeral Rites, practices, and traditions.
- There will be a short presentation along with a question-and-answer session after Saturday’s 5:00 Vigil Mass and Sunday morning after the 11:00am Mass.
- Please take advantage of this opportunity to better understand Christian funeral rites and the benefits to pre-planning your funeral arrangements.
Memories: We’d love to hear about your memories of your time here at Sts. Peter and Paul. Won’t you help us build an album?(p. 8)
The monthly Bake Sale returns next weekend. If you have skills in the baking department and would like to donate to the bake sale, please drop off baked goods before Masses next weekend. Of course, don’t go home empty-handed. We need people to take home scrumptious goodies too!! (p. 9)
Golf Tournament: set for August 22nd at Lake Monticello Golf Course; it’s not too late to sign up. (p. 9) Or stop by the table in the entrance of the church.
Reflections on St. Joseph: Our next Reflections talk is on August 26th at St. Joseph’s Parish Hall after the 5pm Mass. (p. 10)
Calling all youth at SPP:
- CCD registration will start on August 14th & 15th after each Mass in the Commons. It will continue for the following 2 weekends. Please remember to bring your baptismal certificate and checkbook to registration. (p. 4)
- Youth Group – If you are in middle school or high school and think you might be interested in the youth group, we need to hear from you. Which day would be best for you to attend the youth group? Please go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdo7rp2TQsWvEVxU_Fk7ufSZml3c6y0kKgP4oXJM-QkDAMosA/viewform?usp=sf_link to let us know. Or scan the QR code to get there.

All youth and parents of St. Joe’s and Sts. Peter and Paul:
- Father is celebrating a special, one-time Mass on Sunday, August 29th at Sts. Peter and Paul @ 5pm for all youth and their parents to attend. Hope to see you there. (p. 7 & 11)
Calling all youth at SJ:
- CCD resumes September 12th. Registrations forms are coming out soon. There is a meeting after Mass on Sunday, August 15th for teachers and anyone interested in helping or becoming a teacher. (p. 11)
St. Joseph’s having a Bake Sale on August 15th after Mass. Donations are accepted. (p. 10)
Praying that you have a peaceful weekend.