News Blast & Bulletin 06/09/2024

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Your bulletin:

Here are the highlights for the upcoming week and beyond:

  • Day 1 of the yard sale and we are off and running! Time will tell. Thank you to all who donated items to the Yard Sale. Most importantly, thank you to all who spent hours and days here helping to unload, move, sort, organize and sell all the donated items. Even though the sale only lasts 2 days, this is a full, week-long process. Thank you especially to Cynthia for leading the charge! I’ll post in the bulletin as soon as I know the proceeds. What an awesome group of parishioners!
  • We, at Sts. Peter and Paul, will celebrate the feast day of our patron saints on Sunday, June 30th, after Mass. We will have food, games and fellowship. Meat will be provided but we ask for you to bring a side dish to share.
  • If you are interested in viewing photos from the Corpus Christi procession, click here.
  • The next Senior Coffee Social is Wednesday, June 26th at 10am in the Commons. We will have a guest speaker.
  • The Marron family invites you to join in on the celebration of Jean’s life at the memorial Mass on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 11am. Please RSVP to [email protected].
  • The Chapel remains closed as we wait for repair estimates from 2 companies. You are welcome to adore in the church, where the Blessed Sacrament is present.
  • CHIU Golf Tournament at Spring Creek information can be found on page 9.
  • Save the Date: for our Parish Trip to France to kick off our yearlong celebration of our 40th anniversary
    • April 24 till May 4, 2025
    • Additional details can be found on the Parish Council board in the Commons
  • Sts. Peter and Paul Religious Store is open before/after Mass on Saturdays and after Mass on Sundays. You can contact the store via email at [email protected].
  • If you have misplaced any items in the church, come see Karen in the office; it’s where many lost things go.
  • If you have recently changed your email address or phone number, please send a note to the office so we can update the system and make sure you don’t miss out on any information we have to share with you.

St. Joseph’s News:

  • Want to be more involved in parish life but not sure what there is to do? There will be a Ministry Fair at St. Joseph on Sunday, June 23rd, after Mass, to find out how you can volunteer your time and talent. All are welcome.

Blessings always!
Karen Davidson

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