7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Your bulletin: https://saintspeterpaulpalmyra.org/february-23rd-2025/
Here are the highlights for the upcoming week and beyond:
- If you currently give through Faith Direct, you should have received emails inviting you to switch to the new giving platform from Give Central. Please remember to end your giving with Faith Direct as soon as you get set up. If you are ready to initiate online giving, please register at givecentral.org.
- Lenten Lunches will be offered on Fridays, after Stations of the Cross at noon, beginning March 7th in the Commons. Please sign up to bring soup or sandwiches during this event.
- Senior Coffee Social has its regular meeting this week at 10am on Feb. 26, when we will host our guest speaker, Janelle Holden, a Health and fitness expert. The special meeting from Feb. 12 has been rescheduled to Wednesday, March 12th at 10 AM in the Commons. Bob Maher and Jamie Hicks will share their experiences of their work in Uganda. All are welcome to attend.
- The next Youth Group event will take place at St. Joseph’s on March 14th from 6 – 7:30pm. Join us for soup supper and Stations of the Cross. Please let Celeste know if you are able to bring soup to this event.
- March 16 – there will be a combined Youth Mass at St. Joseph. Youth from Sts. Peter and Paul are encouraged to join in the celebration of Mass at 9am at St. Joseph’s, followed by a pancake breakfast. There will not be CCD on the day.
- March 29 – Our Confirmation Retreat will be from 9 – 12 at St. Joseph’s. All students preparing for this sacrament this year must attend.
- We are in need of prefilled Easter Eggs this year from March 9 – 30. There will be a box to place them in next month.
- The 20% off Book Sale at SPP Religious Store is underway and ends on March 30. Come buy a book! The store is open before and after Mass on Saturdays and after Mass on Sundays.
- Since winter continues its hold, please refer to CBS19 or NBC29 or our Facebook page for closings and cancellations.
- We will begin Parish Lunches after each Youth Mass beginning this weekend in the Commons. Please sign up to bring a side dish. A sign-up sheet is on the board next to the kitchen door. All are welcome.
- If you have old palms, you may return them to the basket in the front hall through Feb. 28.
- What do Good Shepherds, Ushers and the Altar Servers ministries all have in common? They all need help. If you want to learn more and think you can help, please call the office (434.589.5201) for more info.
- If you have misplaced any items in the church, come see Colleen in the office; it is where many lost things go.
- If you have recently changed your email address or phone number or signed up for Give Central and no longer need envelopes, please send a note to the office so we can update the system and make sure you don’t miss out on any information we have to share with you.
St. Joseph’s News:
- Come celebrate the Feast of St. Katherine Drexel on Sunday, March 2nd. Please bring a dish to share.
- We will have a Soup Supper at 6 PM followed by Stations at 6:30 on Fridays during Lent.
- The Youth Group will participate in the soup supper and Stations of the Cross on March 14th. Let Celeste know if you can bring soup.
- March 16 – Sts. Peter/Paul youth will join St. Joseph’s for a combined Youth Mass, followed by a pancake breakfast.
- March 29 – St. Joseph’s will host this year’s Confirmation Retreat from 9am – 12pm. All students preparing for this sacrament this year must attend.
- We are in need of prefilled Easter eggs this year. A box at the back of the church will be available from March 9th – 30th.
- The SPP Religious Store 20% off Book Sale is underway and will end on March 30. Come buy a book!
- We still have a few weeks left of winter weather, so please refer to CBS19 or NBC29 or our Facebook page for closings and cancellations.

Karen Davidson