News Blast & Bulletin 08/18/2024

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Your bulletin:

Here are the highlights for the upcoming week and beyond:

  • You’re invited to attend our Mass for Peace on Tuesday, August 20th at 7:00pm. Please come if you can.
  • CCD registration continues through the month of August. Please remember that a copy of your child(ren)’s baptismal certificate and payment is needed at the time of registration. Classes begin on Sunday, September 8th at 9:30am. This first class is for the whole family.
  • The Bake Sale returns September 7th & 8th. We are looking for bakers and parishioners to help with sales on the first full weekend of every month. Please contact Sue Scott (434.591.1205) if you are able to help. Remember, the funds go to provide assistance in the community.
  • What do Good Shepherds, Ushers and the Bake Sale ministries all have in common? They all need help. If you want to learn more and think you can help, please call the office (434.589.5201) for more info.
  • The Chapel remains closed at this time. Progress is being made but there is still work to be done. You are welcome to adore in the church, where the Blessed Sacrament is present.
  • Save the Date: for our Parish Trip to France to kick off our yearlong celebration of our 40th anniversary
    • April 24 till May 4, 2025
    • Additional details can be found on the Parish Council board in the Commons
  • Sts. Peter and Paul Religious Store is open before/after Mass on Saturdays and after Mass on Sundays. We have graphic tees for $15. Stop by and check them out. You can contact the store via email at [email protected].
  • If you have misplaced any items in the church, come see Karen in the office; it’s where many lost things go.
  • If you have recently changed your email address or phone number or signed up for Faith Direct and no longer need envelopes, please send a note to the office so we can update the system and make sure you don’t miss out on any information we have to share with you.

St. Joseph’s News:

  • You’re invited to our annual Mass for Peace this Tuesday, August 20th at 7pm at Sts. Peter and Paul. Please come if you can.
  • CCD registration continues through the month of August. Please remember that a copy of your child(ren)’s baptismal certificate and payment is needed at the time of registration. Classes begin on Sunday, September 8th at 10:30am. This first class is for the whole family.

Blessings always!
Karen Davidson

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